For Reviewers

At JMBFS, we strongly believe that peer review serves as the cornerstone for ensuring the quality and integrity of scientific and scholarly research. We are committed to providing extensive support and recognition to reviewers (also referred to as „referees“) due to their valuable contributions. These guidelines have been established as part of our overarching objective to enhance the review process for our journals and uphold the research integrity of the publications we disseminate.

What is peer review?

Peer review is a critical evaluation process that aims to assess the validity, quality, and often the originality of articles before they are published. Its primary objective is to uphold the integrity of scientific research by filtering out articles that are invalid or of poor quality.

From a publisher’s standpoint, peer review serves as a content filter, directing higher quality articles to reputable journals, thereby establishing strong journal brands.

The inclusion of articles in the peer review process adds value to them. Consequently, publishers must ensure that the peer review system is robust to maintain the credibility and reliability of published research.

How to perform a peer review

Once you have received or accepted an invitation to peer review an article, it is time to commence the task. Below, you will find a set of guidelines and a step-by-step guide to assist you in conducting your peer review effectively:

Ethical Reviewing: Upholding the Standards

Embrace the most comprehensive set of publishing ethics guidelines in the industry. We firmly believe that ethical publishing fosters a stronger research community, where every individual’s contributions are valued, and accountability is paramount.

Familiarize yourself with JMBFS’s editorial standards and processes, including the intricacies of peer review. COPE, serving over 8,500 members worldwide, provides valuable resources such as practical tools, e-learning opportunities, seminars, and more. To ensure integrity in the peer review process, COPE has developed Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, which editors and their editorial boards can consult for guidance. Explore these guidelines on COPE’s webpage, Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Reviewing guide – step by step

The Initial Assessment

Key Considerations During the Initial Read

Identifying Potential Significant Flaws

Concluding the Initial Reading

Rejection Following the Initial Reading

Prior to Commencing the Second Read-Through

Conducting the Second Read-Through

Section by Section Guidance for the Second Read-Through:

Structure of your report

Style and presentation

Criticisms & Confidential Comments to Editors


If recommendation is rejection

To be a Reviewer

Become a Reviewer

How to become a Reviewer

Building confidence as a Reviewer